When we speak our truth we become free.
When we truly become real and honest with ourselves and others around us, it feels amazing.
I’m not saying it’s easy and it is definitely something you have to learn.
It mostly involves learning how to let go of what other people think about you.
It involves learning how to let go of other people’s views and opinions and learning that your opinion is also just as important.
It involves some work to look inside yourself and understand what’s holding you back.
And when you do that work, your world changes.
Speaking the truth has major attributes.
It means you say what you mean, mean what you say and nothing can get lost in translation.
Straight speaking has always been my friend.
I had to learn the hard way that beating around the bush or dancing around other people’s ego’s only ever left me in pain.
And life is meant to be joyful.
So I urge you to let go. To be real. To speak your truth.
It’s a good reminder to know that it is only those who are dysfunctional that won’t like you speaking your truth because ultimately, it makes them aware of their own shortcomings and that is hard for them to handle.
Speaking your truth to someone dysfunctional means you are shining a light into their dark places as dysfunction relies on people not confronting their reality.
So, you see, it’s not about you anyway.
Rise up.
Be bigger.
Expand yourself.
Be brave, speak up and I promise you once you try it, you will never look back.
Keep it real.
You’ve got this.