Jacqueline Hurst Life Coaching

What is it with our self critic?
It’s like a (scratched) broken record.
We play it over and over again. We literally wake up and put it on.
It hurts our ears and erodes our soul.
It goes something like this:-
“You should know better”
“What will they think of me”
“You are a fake”
“You are fat and disgusting”
“You are not good enough”
“You have failed anyways so why bother”
Mean, mean, mean. All. Day. Long
But why?
Why would you be so mean to you?
Have you ever stopped to question this?
I spend a lot of time talking to my clients and students about changing their perspective.
You see choosing not to like you is in ‘fact’ a ‘choice’.
Oh, and it’s a choice made wholly and solely by you.
Choosing not to have your own back in life is simply the fast track to getting an outcome you don’t want.
Yes, we have been brainwashed a little, we get bombarded with what we are meant to look like, behave like and even act like. We get told that if we want to be happy we have to buy things.
We get brought up with other people’s belief systems and a lot of what you think is simply a manifestation of someone else’s dreams, desires or beliefs.
Granted a lot of what we think has been learnt or taught to us but, you must remember this; when you were born you were born pure and full of love. You had no idealistic views or warped beliefs you were born from, acted with and totally believed you were, love.
Through the good intentions of others things changed but here is the beautiful truth.
You can unchange.  By remembering you always have a ‘choice’.
You can choose to quit bitching on yourself.
You can choose to look in the mirror and find the things you do like.
You can choose to look at your achievements to see why you are where you are.
You can choose to choose love for yourself.
You can choose to get perspective.
And it really is as simple as that.
Happy Friday