Jacqueline Hurst Life Coaching

Feeling Stuck / Procrastination

Procrastination is insidious. If you do not nip procrastination in the bud, it could become a barrier that defines the course of your life. I have worked with procrastinators for the last 20 years and have seen successful people crumble under the weight of inactivity. By investing in life coaching and learning how to quit procrastinating, you are taking a positive step toward change.

Feeling unmotivated, lethargic, and burnt out? Together, we will get the wheels of your life turning again.

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something, so of course time management plays a big part in it.

Depending on who you ask, there are several types of procrastinators. In general, I work with perfectionists, dreamers, and worriers, but there are many more kinds of procrastinators out there. 

So, who is a good candidate for procrastination support?

  • Students – Students are under an overwhelming amount of pressure. Some students do not have strong support structures in place, which can leave them feeling very anxious and helpless, so they procrastinate big life changes for fear that something will go wrong. 
  • Professionals – Professionals are bombarded with endless tasks, and the pressure to succeed can bring some people to a complete standstill. 
  • Families – Family life can be hectic, especially maintaining relationships, and it is no surprise that a lot of mothers, fathers, and caretakers struggle to handle the pressure. 

Procrastination is not just about completing tasks. Some people procrastinate entire relationships, ideal jobs, and dream travel opportunities. 

Throughout our sessions, I will teach you how your thinking is affecting your procrastination and how to change your thinking to change your life. .  My experience has taught me that productivity issues are often rooted in anxiety. Thoughts like ‘What will people think?’ and ‘I’m not going to be good at that’ signal the start of procrastination.  

Conquer Procrastination With My Support

By the end of our work you will understand yourself so much better with a totally new , you will feel a new sense of self. You can expect increased productivity, self-discipline, and better work/life balance.

Procrastination focuses on more than just task completion. In our sessions, I will take a holistic approach to the problem. Here are some of the areas that we can focus on. 

  • Awareness & understanding of current issues
  • Time management
  • Being proactive & taking accountability
  • Overcoming perfectionism

As you can see, my role as a life coach is quite varied. All my clients receive personalised support, which we can outline in your free consultation. My service is available in-person and online, so you can be located anywhere in the world.

If you are on my website, the chances are that you are looking for help. As an experienced life coach, I can help you conquer the thoughts and feelings that are holding you back. Take a positive step toward change by booking a free consultation with me.

Change your life today

Let’s start with a brief free consultation to discover what your needs are.
We can speak on the phone or face-to-face.