Jacqueline Hurst Life Coaching

Dynamic Life Coaching in
London and Worldwide

Feel a little stuck? Not living the life you want to be living? Think you might be in the wrong job, have the wrong partner or simply know there is more to life? Are you struggling with your weight and feel you can’t ‘get it’ no matter what you have tried in the past? Are you constantly saying to yourself ‘my life would be better if…’? Then you have come to the right place.

I help people to create the life they want via their thought process. When our thoughts are off-key we create a life of anxiety, frustration, boredom and unhappiness.

We blame other people, places or things for our feelings and simply get stuck. My coaching helps people to become unstuck by challenging their thinking and in turn feel better and change things around to get the results they want.

I coach people who come to me with a wide range of issues or problems including but not limited to low confidence, anxiety, low self-worth, stress, anger etc.

Working together I show my clients how to change these feelings rapidly and dynamically and in turn they start to live a life of freedom and internal peace.

What is Life Coaching?

Coaching can take on many forms but my specific proven skills and techniques are adapted specifically to suit you.

My flexible approach enables me to ensure the session is designed to suit your unique and particular requirements and communicated in a way that works, specifically for you as an individual. I believe that no two people are the same.

On your first session, we start work straight away and I am able to establish the best route for you to experience the change you are looking for in the fastest possible route.

My sessions will help you understand the limiting beliefs that don’t work for you and then help you reframe, reprogramme and repositioning your mind to break through to a new way to live.

Coaching is a brilliant way to learn how to live calmly and effectively no matter what is going on in your life and you will see brilliant results.

What results can you expect from Life Coaching?

In many cases, it can be extremely helpful to deal with the past if there are any underlying or deep-seated issues that are possibly blocking your progress and preventing you from reaching your goals and desired outcomes.

We don’t spend too long on the past though because your mindset matters most.

Often you will not need to go backwards to go forwards and this will be something I will work out with you on our first session. All consultations and sessions are strictly private and confidential.

I have worked with over 7,000 clients, coaching people from all walks of life with all kinds of issues and I guarantee after our very first session you will already feel good in the knowledge that you have come to the right place to get your issue resolved.

How long do I need coaching for?

Coaching is not therapy and I do not want you to be sitting in my office each week for years! Each client is individual on how long they need to work with me and each client is different.

The aim of my game is to get you in and out as quickly as possible so you can live a life free of stress, worry or anxiety about any issue you face.

Change your life today

I tell my clients the truth: the truth that other people will not tell them. I help people see the downside of being mean to themselves. I challenge any held belief that is not in my client’s best interest. I pull my clients up on the lies that they are telling themselves. I help my clients show up when they want to quit. I help my clients act from a place of love rather than fear. I ask my clients to reach for more of themselves. I help people figure out why they don’t do what they do so they can change it.


Corporate Opportunities

The organisations I work with see the huge benefits as to why enabling people to bring the best out of themselves is the key to driving productivity, growth, and engagement. A meaningful coaching culture has the potential to transform the relationship between organisations and employees and to put both on the path to long-term success.  My corporate coaching can be measured not only by the return on investment but also the obvious harmonious changes within the employees themselves and in turn the organisation as a whole.


I give talks on a variety of topics including how to manage the mind, work life balance, hypnosis and how to find body love.


I create and teach half and full day workshops. Workshops are tailored to specific requirements.

Bespoke Training

Tailor made pragrammes for companies and individuals who want to work on specific areas.