Jacqueline Hurst Life Coaching

Public Speaking Therapy and Coaching

Do you cringe when a presentation comes up at work? Or do you struggle in intimate, one-on-one conversations? For the last 20 years, I have been a life coach in London, and I can tell you that even the most successful individuals can struggle with public speaking. I empower my clients to master public and private conversations.

Whether you want to broaden your career opportunities or sharpen your conversational skills, I can help you become a calmer, more confident public speaker.

Public Speaking Support

These are the types of people who may benefit from hiring me for public speaking support.

  • CEOs – When you envision the kind of person who needs public speaking support, you probably think of a CEO. CEOs need to capture the attention of stakeholders, employees, and customers alike, so they have to be well-spoken. 
  • Career-driven individuals – If you want to progress in your career and climb the corporate ladder, you need to be able to share your ideas eloquently. 
  • People in customer-facing environments – Public speaking training is not just for business leaders; people who work in retail, community, and volunteer spaces have to convey information to others every single day. 
  • People who want to improve their social skills – Like any other skill, you have to refine and practise your social skills. If you want to learn new tools and methods to communicate effectively, a life coach can help.  

Public speaking issues are not uncommon, especially among people who have had their voices repressed in the past.

Public speaking issues can pop up in 

  • Presentation skills
  • Dealing with stage fright
  • Voice & articulation 
  • Body language & non-verbal communication
  • Speech writing

It’s very rare to be naturally good at conveying important ideas to hundreds (or even thousands) of people. Like any other skill, public speaking is learned and developed overtime, but seeking the support of an expert life coach like myself, you are certainly setting yourself up for success. 

Is public speaking the missing piece of the puzzle? Lots of professionals neglect this aspect of personal and professional development, but it is a vital part of success. You should never leave public speaking engagements to chance.

If you are searching for a life coach in London or online, book a free consultation with me today. This is the first step toward becoming a confident and impactful speaker. 

Change your life today

Let’s start with a brief free consultation to discover what your needs are.
We can speak on the phone or face-to-face.