Jacqueline Hurst Life Coaching

The boys at GQ gave me a call and asked if I could help advise how to simply ‘ Plan your wellness year ahead’.  It was food for thought as I was wanted to write something original and have some practical and helpful tips.  It came out well and I wanted to share this article with you here…enjoy!

How to plan your wellness year ahead

When it comes to health and wellness, planning is key. Focusing on what you want your year to look like and creating a plan to follow is a sure-fire way to making it happen. Think of it like an athlete, to become the best you need to plan and practice. 2018 can be your best year yet and to help, here are clinical hypnotherapist and London life coach, Jacqueline Hurst’s, top seven tips


Take a few moments and look back on 2017 and ask yourself some questions. What did you do really well? What did you achieve that you were proud of? What did you not get around to doing that you would like to do this year? Where did you experience the most satisfaction? Where and when did you have the most “fun”? What areas of your life didn’t work out so well? What lessons did you learn and what did you discover about yourself? Your answers to these questions will provide some interesting clues and insights into what you need to focus on and get around to doing that can make this year your best yet.

Set a goal

When we put our mind to something we really want to do, it is totally achievable. All you have to do is believe it. Believing you can, means you will. When you think about the summer what would you want to have achieved by then? What do you need to do to motivate yourself to make that happen? When you think about Christmas, what would you like to say you have achieved this year? Now is the time to make an action plan to get a goal achieved this year. There is a tonne of motivational information around for you whether it be a book to read, an audiobook to listen to, a coach to help you or buddying up with someone who wants the same thing. Don’t forget to choose a goal that interests you and plot your progress as you go. Remember, we become what we repeatedly do.

Fuel up and keep it simple

The food you eat really matters when it comes to thinking about your health, energy and wellbeing. Eating well makes you feel good and the better you feel, the easier it is to keep a healthy lifestyle going and 10 pints just wont look so attractive. The easiest way to start is to keep things super simple. You can never go wrong with foods with one ingredient – chicken, meat, vegetables, rice, potatoes. This isn’t always so easy when you are busy at work and out grabbing a sandwich so in those times, just make sure it’s something as close to nature as possible and keep to a four to five ingredient rule. Remember, if a product has more than five ingredients in it, it’s likely to be highly processed which means energy drain.

Get present

Time goes fast and goes even faster when we are unconscious and unaware. One moment it’s January and the next its September. Learning to be present is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself. A good way to learn how to get present is to start your day with a ten-minute meditation. Meditation is a perfect way to learn how to slow down and take life more in your stride. It helps calm anxiety, it helps stress dissipate and it helps you become a nicer person. Getting present is about awareness, and becoming mindful means you automatically start to enjoy life more. The little things that used to stress you out become a thing of the past and everything becomes just that bit “easier”. Try it.

Do it now

Don’t make the mistake of playing the “yes, but when I get there” game. So many of us think that only when we have something different to now, will we be happy. “When I make CEO, lose the stone, get the million, buy the bigger house etc etc etc, then I’ll finally be happy”. I hate to break it to you but the truth is happiness is a mindset. It’s something you chose. This month now you are conscious and aware, make better choices. It’s all about an attitude of “Yes I can.“’.

Let shit go

We all have things that we carry around with us that weigh us down but are not actually ours to carry. Holding onto resentments or anger is exhausting and learning to let go is the best thing you can do for yourself. Make a list of situations you have experienced in your past that you are willing to finally let go this month. Let it go, stop taking it all so personally and remember that anger doesn’t ever serve you. Let it go.

Evaluate your crew

When did you last stop and evaluate who you hang with? Apparently, we are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with. If you look at your top five are those people you actually like spending time with or people you feel you have to? When did you last actually reflect on your circle of friends. Are these people who are supportive, helpful, kind and bring out your best? If not, now is the time to re-evaluate. Make a commitment to invest your time in good company over the next 12 months and distance yourself from people who are negative or energy-draining.

Adjust your Attitude

One of the most important things to do this year is to remind yourself daily that your attitude determines everything. Life is 10 per cent what happens and 90 per cent your attitude. The most important decision to make each day is to be in a good mood.