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    Podcast: How To Stop Comparing Yourself


    The lovely Becki Rabin asked me to appear on her super cool podcast to discuss all things ‘life’ – including how to stop comparing yourself.
    In her usual chatty style she threw quite a few important questions at me to answer and if you are interested in self-development you need to listen to this!
    During the podcast, I talk about how to:

    • Stop comparing yourself to others.
    • How to start believing in yourself.
    • How to start truly believing that you are good enough and worthy enough.
    • How to go out there and grab life with both hands.

    To download the podcast…
    The podcast is available on Acast, iTunes and SoundCloud.
    iTunes link here – go to episode 22: ‘Dropping comparisons and focussing on you’.
    I hope you enjoy it!
    Jacqueline x