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    It was a total fail.
    It came out of nowhere.
    And as it happened I cringed inside.
    I totally messed up.
    I could ‘blame’ it on exhaustion.
    I could ‘blame’ it on being a total loser.
    I could blame and berate myself continuously and still be doing so.
    But here’s the thing.  If I had done any of that then what would I have learnt?
    So I slowed down.  I got my thoughts down.
    And then I worked out something really cool.
    You see, since I have increased my work output, clients, media, businesses, book, talks etc., I have also ‘accepted’ that I am not going to be ‘perfect’.
    And you know what. That’s OK.
    When I thought about it, I realised something amazing.
    ALL my role models have messed up along the way to becoming a success.
    ALL Olympic champions I watch on TV have had to mess up to get to Olympic level.
    ALL the entrepreneurs I have followed throughout my career have for sure made mistakes and actually become better for it.
    And all my best friends have built their strong foundations from having messed up! It is from the messing up that they have become real, sincere and the most loving, wise, compassionate people I have ever met.
    So many of my clients and students decide not to do things because they want everything to be perfect.
    They don’t speak up or put themselves forward in case they ‘get it wrong’.
    They ‘procrastinate’ or ‘wait’ or ‘hide’ themselves or their amazing work away from everyone to be sure there will be no mistakes.
    Which of course we can never be ‘sure’ of.
    So instead, they simply just stop creating.
    They stop producing.
    They stay small.
    They get stuck.
    But we are not here for staying stuck. We are here for much bigger things.
    So here’s what I know to be true for anyone struggling with staying small…
    The more I create, the more risk of a making a mistake.
    And if I make a mistake, I get to learn a lot from it.
    And the more I learn, the better I get. It’s the law. 
    So messing up wasn’t all that awful. My world didn’t end and I got to learn a very important lesson.
    Because being perfect all the time, is not humanly possible.
    Oh, and one more thing before I go.
    I want you to remember that when you make a mistake you get a choice.
    Pity Party or Lesson Learnt.
    Always. Your. Choice.
    Happy learning.
    Jacqueline x


    1. I could not agree more. The day I gave up on perfection was the day I gained freedom. I almost have to thank my ex boyfriends, and most of all myself, for making me who I am now.
      You need to kiss many frogs to meet your prince. I put myself in hard relationships and mainly because of them, I am now happy with a very u perfect man!

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